Saving execution context for later debugging

Aug 21, 2015    #ruby   #binding   #closure   #debugging  

The problem

Consider the following situation: you have got an exception in production. Of course, all of us are good developers, but you know, sometimes *it just happens. What do you usually do to get some information about the error? You just grab the request parameters to test it locally, right? Then I might have a better solution for you: dump your memory once an error happens and restore the dump later to debug it.


In Ruby the best candidate for doing this is Binding class. If you have a binding, your can easily do some debug using well-known pry gem. But the binding itself cannot be dumped (at least not, using default Ruby tools).

How to get a local binding? Just use binding. How to get a binding from an object? Just add a method to you class:

class MyClass
  def local_binding
# => #<Binding>

Binding encapsulates the execution context at the place in your code where the interpreter is currently running and retains this context for future use. So, to dump and load back a binding we need to:

In fact, that’s all you need to restore your binding.


How can we dump an arbitrary structure? Ruby has a class in the standard library called Marshal. The two core methods of this class are dump and load:

Point =, :y)
a =, 65)
marshaled = Marshal.dump(a)
# => "\x04\bS:\nPoint\a:\x06xi':\x06yiF"
# => #<struct Point x=34, y=65>


Unfortunately, not everything can be marshaled. According to the documentation, the following objects cannot be dumped:

That sound really sad, but in most cases we can ignore these limitations. When was the last time you needed to debug an IO object that was doing something strange? In real life we rarely use any of these classes during debugging process. So, instead of dumping and loading back an IO object we can just return a new one.

Converting objects to marshalable data

Well, we can patch every single class in Ruby and add marshal_load and marshal_dump hooks to them, but that’s just horrible. It would be much, much better to write a set of classes that are each responsible for converting a specific group of objects.

With that in mind I have implemented:

  1. PrimitiveDumper - for dumping primitive objects, like numbers, booleans.
  2. ArrayDumper - for arrays.
  3. HashDumper - for hashes.
  4. ObjectDumper - for custom objects.
  5. ClassDumper - for classes.
  6. ProcDumper - for proc/method objects
  7. MagicDumper - for “magical objects” (see ‘dumping magical objects’ section)
  8. ExistingObjectDumper - for existing objects (see ‘dumping recurring objects’ section)

Every dumper takes an object that we need to dump and returns its marshalable representation. Later you can use the same dumper to restore representation back and get the original object.

You can find the implementation of these dumpers here and the specs for them here .

Here is, probably, the most complicated example:

def undumpable_recursive_object
  @undumpable_recursive ||= begin
    p = Point.allocate
    p.x = p
    p.y =

After converting this object using a system of dumpers result looks like this:

  _klass: Point,
  _ivars: {
    :@x => {
      _existing_object_id: 1234566 # or similar
    :@y => {
      _klass: StringIO,
      _undumpable: true
  _old_object_id: 1234566 # same as above

This hash can be easily marshaled and restored back. But yes, we lose our StringIO instance - when the object is loaded back, that variable will be blank.

Dumping Magical objects

After writing the first version of the library, I have tested it with a blank Rails application. The testing code was:

class UsersController < ApplicationController
  def index
    @users = User.all.to_a # 5 records
    local_proc = proc { 2 + 2 }
    render json: @users
    StoredBinding.create(data: binding.dump)

The length of the dump was ~30 screens and it took ~20 seconds to generate it. Most of the data was coming from objects related to Rails itself. Things like Rails configuration, backtrace cleaners, arrays of middlewares, and so on. Do we need them? No. These objects are the same for every request, so we can ignore them.

But at the same time, we need to save and restore all references from ‘serializable’ objects to ‘magic’ objects, we can’t just omit them. This logic is implemented in BindingDumper::MagicObjects module and here’s how you can use it:

class A
  @config = :config

p BindingDumper::MagicObjects.pool
=> {10633360=>"A", 600668=>"A.instance_variable_get(:@config)"}

So, it builds a mapping between object_id and the way how to get this object. Using this functionality we can easily get whether existing object is ‘magical’, and if yes - dump its string representation (to eval it on loading phase). Let’s say, we need to dump Rails.application.config, one of the ‘magical’ objects. We need to get its object_id, find it in the pool and remember the string that returns rails configuration after evaluation, i.e.:


After this optimization we have to spend ~20 ms to build an object pool and ~200 ms to dump a binding.

Dumping recurring objects

We can optimize it even more. A lot of things like request, response are shared as instance variables across ~10 objects. We can dump our request object only once, remember its object_id and use a reference while dumping other objects that use it.

Let’s say, we are in the initial memory (MEM1). We dump a binding, open another console with separated memory (MEM2) and restore a binding. In the example above (about recursive structure) there was a key :_existing_object_id that returns an object_id from MEM1.

In MEM2 we restore a binding and create a mapping

  object_id_from_MEM1 =>

Using this mapping (in the gem it’s called memories ) we can restore the reference to duplicated objects.

Restoring a binding

At this point you can be really confused, but relax, we are almost done.

So, we have a binding. To dump it we need to:

  1. Build a hash1 with the context of binding and local variables
  2. Convert it to a marshalable nested hash2
  3. Marshal.dump(hash2)
  4. Store the result in any persistent storage.

To load it back:

  1. Marshal.load the dump to get hash2
  2. Convert hash2 to hash1 using the same converters
  3. Load the context and all local variables from hash1
  4. Patch the context a little bit to make it pretty.

Steps 1-4 and 1-3 are already implemented. The last step – making the context pretty – means that we need to inject local_binding method into the context and make it look like the “real” binding (inject local variables to the binding).

# we just have it,
# it's a `self` from the place where `binding.dump` was called

# and we have also local variables

# here we need to get a binding that:
subject.local_binding.eval('self') == context
# => true
subject.local_binding.eval('local_variables') == local_variables
# => true

The pseudo-code for loading and patching the context looks like:

marshaled =
converted = Marshal.load(marshaled)
restored = Dumpers.load(converted)

context = undumped[:context]
locals = undumped[:locals]

class << context
  def local_binding
    result = binding

    locals.each do |lvar_name, lvar|
      result.local_variable_set(lvar_name, lvar)


The actual implementation can be found here . After calling Binding.load(dumped).pry you can start debugging it!

Compatibility with old versions of Ruby

Currently the gem supports Ruby versions from 1.9.3 to 2.2.3. I had a few issues with porting the code from 2.0.0 to 1.9.3, like the lack of keyword arguments and Module#prepend. The funniest one was that in versions before 2.1.0 there is no binding.local_variable_set - there is only binding.eval that takes a string, not a block.

How can we pass a complex object to eval? The solution is not so difficult, because we have the object right here and right now, and the binding uses the same memory as the main thread. This means that we can pass the object_id of our object to eval string and get it there using ObjectSpace._id2ref:

undumped[:lvars].each do |lvar_name, lvar|
  result.eval("#{lvar_name} = ObjectSpace._id2ref(#{lvar.object_id})")

Known issues

I have tested the gem locally with a few projects. Everything was fine, but:

  1. Encoding. The data that the gem produces should be stored in UTF-8
  2. The difference between Rails server and Rails console. There are some classes that are loaded only when the server is started (like Rails::BacktraceCleaner and some others from NewRelic gem). You have to require corresponding files manually before loading the binding in the console.


To try it out, clone the GitHub repository , install dependencies, prepare the database using bin/dummy_rake db:create db:migrate, and start the server via bin/dummy_rails s. Then visit http://localhost:3000/users to dump the binding of UsersController#index. After that you can open a console using bin/dummy_rails c and run StoredBinding.last.debug. You’re now in your controller, in the same state that it was in a moment ago when you hit that /users page!.


The gem is fully tested with its specs running on Travis CI . There’s also a script that can be used to run the whole test suite locally on every supported version of Ruby. But that’s definitely not enough for a gem to become completely production-ready.

That’s why I ask everyone who read this article: if you think that the idea of this gem should stay alive, that this method of debugging can be useful, and you would like to use it yourself, please, try it out locally and share your finding with me (via Twitter or GitHub).

GitHub repository