Writing bindings upside down

Dec 28, 2021    #rust   #c   #c++   #ruby   #javascript   #node   #bindings   #llvm   #lto  


Quite a long time ago I started writing C/C++/Ruby/Node.js/WASM bindings so I could call my Rust project from those languages. It is a Ruby language parser.

I tried multiple ways and found one that is very (VERY) controversial, but I think it deserves it’s own article.

Traditional way

Let’s say you have a library in C. Just for simplicity, Rust is not special here.


How can you use it in C++? A very simple solution is to wrap your header file with

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"

// C bindings

#ifdef __cplusplus

then change your includes to be slightly more compatible with C++ (stdio.h -> cstdio etc) and call it a day.

How can you use it in Ruby/Node.js? Again, let’s start with “traditional” solution. For Ruby take your C library, for Node.js take C++ library and “wrap” it using a “native” extension.

It is possible to “attach” any arbitrary data to Ruby/Node.js objects

In both cases it’s possible to get pointer to attached data at any moment, both require you to specify a function that GC calls to free attached data.

Pros: still quite simple. Cons: really error-prone, libraries designed this way quite frequently have memory leaks and segfaults.


Slow but more reliable solution

Of course it’d be unfair to not mention that it’s always possible to type-cast structures from low-level language to high-level:

  1. C -> C++ - by converting C structs to pretty C++ classes with smart pointers and collections
  2. C -> Ruby - by creating Ruby objects from C structs
  3. C++ -> Node.js - by creating JavaScript objects from C++ classes

A small note on copying: it is possible to “move” some data in certain cases and languages:

A demo, small but representative

Let’s start. I’d like to demonstrate a different solution on a tiny example. Let’s write a micro-library that has several Rust structs, something like a function that, let’s say, takes a String and returns a Vec of all non-ASCII chars. It’s called foo.

pub fn foo(s: &str) -> Vec<char> {
    s.chars().filter(|c| !c.is_ascii()).collect()

fn test_foo() {
    let chars = foo("abc😋中国def");
    assert_eq!(chars, vec!['😋', '中', '国']);

There are two structs that belong to Rust world exclusively: Vec and char.

“Foreign” implementation

Can we expose these two types in C? Vec is defined in Rust standard library and it has #[repr(Rust)], char is a 4-byte structure with no public layout.

We could define our own repr(C) structs together with impl From<RustType> for CType and call .into(), but that’s not really the goal here.

Let’s think for a moment about C++, Ruby and Node:

What if our library could depend on some contract that requires bindings to provide primitives? The contract will be the same for all bindings, but implementation will be different.

Rust does not know what is C++ std::vector or Ruby String, but we know it, our bindings know it and by providing a set of foreign utility functions (implemented on the bindings side) we could work with it just like with native std::Vec<T>.


Here “Primitives” will be:

“Functions to work with primitives” will be a set of extern "C" functions that take and return these “foreign” objects. Rust can call them without any knowledge of these objects.

By swapping implementations at link time we can get the same algorithm that works with a different set of structures from different languages. “Link-time polymorphism” seems to be a good name for this concept.


I think it makes sense to start with C, this is what I would like to get eventually:

#ifndef STRUCTS_H
#define STRUCTS_H

#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

typedef struct Char
    char bytes[4];
} Char;

typedef struct CharList
    Char *ptr;
    size_t len;
} CharList;

#endif // STRUCTS_H

Now the question is: how can we return this CharList from our Rust code? We could use bindgen and something-something. No, no and no.

Instead, let’s make Rust think that CharList on its side is some struct of some (AOT-known) size without any meaningful fields. To do that we need to dump sizes of our structs and make them available in C:

#include <stdio.h>
#include "structs.h"

int main()
    printf("CHAR_SIZE=%lu\n", sizeof(Char));
    printf("CHAR_LIST_SIZE=%lu\n", sizeof(CharList));

    return 0;

We compile it, we run it, and we save its output to a text file called sizes, here’s what I have locally


Now our Rust library has to be changed to work in 2 different modes:

We a new feature to our Cargo.toml:

default = []

# enables "external" mode, when structs have only size but no fields
external = []

and we create a build script:

#[cfg(feature = "external")]
fn main() {
    // read path of the `sizes` file from the ENV var
    let sizes_filepath = env!("SIZES_FILEPATH");
    // read `sizes` file
    let sizes = std::fs::read_to_string(sizes_filepath)
                  .expect("SIZES_FILEPATH has to point to a file");

    // parse it line by line and re-write to Rust
    let sizes_rs = sizes
        .map(|line| {
            let parts = line.split("=").collect::<Vec<_>>();
            let name = parts[0];
            let value = parts[1];
            format!("pub(crate) const {}: usize = {};", name, value)

    // write it back to sizes.rs
    std::fs::write("src/sizes.rs", sizes_rs).unwrap();

#[cfg(not(feature = "external"))]
fn main() {
    // dummy main for "native" mode when no work is needed

Note: also there should be a rerun-if-changed line, but for the sake of implicitly I ignore dependencies here.

After running SIZES_FILEPATH=path/to/sizes cargo build --features=external we get src/sizes.rs.

pub(crate) const CHAR_SIZE: usize = 4;
pub(crate) const CHAR_LIST_SIZE: usize = 16;

Time to use it! First we wrap existing definition of Char and CharList with

#[cfg(not(feature = "external"))]
mod native {
  pub type Char = char;
  pub type CharList = Vec<char>;
#[cfg(not(feature = "external"))]
use native::{Char, CharList};

(note that we use not(feature = "external") above, which means “native” mode, they are opposite, and so one feature is enough) and then we add conditionally included external module with all structs that we use:

#[cfg(feature = "external")]
mod sizes;
#[cfg(feature = "external")]
mod external {
    use crate::sizes::*;

    pub struct Char {
        bytes: [u8; CHAR_SIZE],

    pub struct CharList {
        bytes: [u8; CHAR_LIST_SIZE],
#[cfg(feature = "external")]
use external::{Char, CharList};

Now if we try to return CharList from our foo function we get compilation errors:

How can we implement it? Let’s take a look again at used APIs.

  1. we iterate over given string (it’ll be a const *u8 in C API) - we have it
  2. we check c.is_ascii() - that’s also OK
  3. we need to map char to foreign Char - this requires a constructor
  4. we need a way to construct CharList from chars - this requires methods like CharList::new() and CharList::push()
  5. we have a unit-test that needs CharList::len(), CharList::at(), impl PartialEq for Char (to compare individual chars) and impl std::fmt::Debug for Char (to print left/right-hand side if assertions fails)

So, here’s a list of “external” (i.e. in the mod external {} block) methods we want to have:

impl From<char> for Char {
    fn from(_: char) -> Self { todo!() }
impl PartialEq for Char {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { todo!() }
impl std::fmt::Debug for Char {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { todo!() }

impl CharList {
    pub fn new() -> Self { todo!() }
    pub fn push(&mut self, item: Char) { todo!() }
    pub fn len(&self) -> usize { todo!() }
    pub fn at(&self, idx: usize) -> &Char { todo!() }

For now all of them can return todo!(), but we’ll implement them later. Time to rewrite our Rust implementation to use these new language-independent functionality:

pub fn foo(s: &str) -> CharList {
    let mut char_list = CharList::new();
    for char in s.chars() {
        if !char.is_ascii() {

fn test_foo() {
    let s = "abc😋中国";
    let chars = foo(s);
    assert_eq!(chars.len(), 3);
    assert_eq!(chars.at(0), &Char::from('😋'));
    assert_eq!(chars.at(1), &Char::from('中'));
    assert_eq!(chars.at(2), &Char::from('国'));

That was easy, right? Way less elegant but still easy.

Implementing bindings

At this point you might have a guess on what’s going to happen next. We are going to define a bunch of external C-ABI functions and blindly call them in all todo!() places. Later these functions will be implemented by the bindings library on C side:

extern "C" {
    fn char__new(c1: u8, c2: u8, c3: u8, c4: u8) -> Char;
    fn char__at(this: *const Char, idx: u8) -> u8;
impl Char {
    fn byte_at(&self, idx: u8) -> u8 {
        debug_assert!(idx <= 3);
        unsafe { char__at(self, idx) }
impl From<char> for Char {
    fn from(c: char) -> Self {
        let mut buf = [0; 4];
        c.encode_utf8(&mut buf);
        unsafe { char__new(buf[0], buf[1], buf[2], buf[3]) }
impl From<&Char> for char {
    fn from(c: &Char) -> Self {
        let c1 = c.byte_at(0);
        let c2 = c.byte_at(1);
        let c3 = c.byte_at(2);
        let c4 = c.byte_at(3);
        let bytes = [c1, c2, c3, c4];
        let mut zero_idx = 4;
        for idx in 0..4 {
            if bytes[idx] == 0 {
                zero_idx = idx;
        let bytes = &bytes[0..zero_idx];
        let s = std::str::from_utf8(bytes).unwrap();
        let chars = s.chars().collect::<Vec<_>>();
        debug_assert!(chars.len() == 1);
impl PartialEq for Char {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
        (0..4).all(|idx| self.byte_at(idx) == other.byte_at(idx))
impl std::fmt::Debug for Char {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "{}", char::from(self))

extern "C" {
    fn char_list__new() -> CharList;
    fn char_list__push(this: *mut CharList, item: Char);
    fn char_list__len(this: *const CharList) -> usize;
    fn char_list__at(this: *const CharList, idx: usize) -> *const Char;
impl CharList {
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        unsafe { char_list__new() }
    pub fn push(&mut self, item: Char) {
        unsafe { char_list__push(self, item) }
    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
        unsafe { char_list__len(self) }
    pub fn at(&self, idx: usize) -> &Char {
        unsafe { char_list__at(self, idx).as_ref().unwrap() }

OK, now we have a contract. Rust relies on it, but C so far does not provide anything. If we try to run tests with --features=external we get a bunch of linkage errors, which is 100% expected. Time to implement in on C side.

This is a “shared” version that we’ll use for C++/Ruby/Node.js bindings

#ifndef BINDINGS_H
#define BINDINGS_H


#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"

    Char_BLOB char__new(uint8_t c1, uint8_t c2, uint8_t c3, uint8_t c4);
    const uint8_t *char__bytes(const Char_BLOB *self);

    CharList_BLOB char_list__new();
    void char_list__push(CharList_BLOB *self, Char_BLOB item);
    size_t char_list__len(const CharList_BLOB *self);
    Char_BLOB char_list__at(const CharList_BLOB *self, size_t idx);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif // BINDINGS_H

It includes DEFINITIONS_FILE because we want it to be generic (and we’ll pass it as a dynamic define via -D flag). Also you might notice that methods take/return <type>_BLOB type, that’s because we want to pass C-compatible types. C types are C-compatible, and so we make another file bindings-support.h with


#include "structs.h"

typedef Char Char_BLOB;
typedef CharList CharList_BLOB;


… to create aliases. For C++ we’ll have to convert our classes to something C understands (I’ll cover it later).

Implementation time!

Char_BLOB char__new(uint8_t c1, uint8_t c2, uint8_t c3, uint8_t c4)
    return (Char_BLOB){.bytes = {c1, c2, c3, c4}};
uint8_t char__at(const Char_BLOB *self, uint8_t idx)
    return self->bytes[idx];

CharList_BLOB char_list__new()
    return (CharList_BLOB){.ptr = NULL, .len = 0};
void char_list__push(CharList_BLOB *self, Char_BLOB item)
    Char *prev = self->ptr;
    self->ptr = malloc(sizeof(Char) * (self->len + 1));
    if (self->len > 0)
        memcpy(self->ptr, prev, self->len * sizeof(Char));
    self->ptr[self->len] = item;
    self->len = self->len + 1;
size_t char_list__len(const CharList_BLOB *self)
    return self->len;
Char_BLOB char_list__at(const CharList_BLOB *self, size_t idx)
    return self->ptr[idx];

We compile it

$ clang c-bindings/bindings.c -g -c -o c-bindings/all.o
$ ar rc c-bindings/libbindings.a c-bindings/all.o

And change our build.rs script to link with it (the purpose of these environment variables is to make external primitives implementation “pluggable”):

let external_lib_path = env!("EXTERNAL_LIB_PATH");
println!("cargo:rustc-link-search={}", external_lib_path);

let external_lib_name = env!("EXTERNAL_LIB_NAME");
println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=static={}", external_lib_name);

And now we can run tests:

$ cd rust-lib
$ EXTERNAL_LIB_PATH="../c-bindings" \
    EXTERNAL_LIB_NAME="bindings" \
    SIZES_FILEPATH="../c-bindings/sizes" \
    cargo test --features=external

and we get 1 passing test!

C++ bindings, quickly

I want this:


#include <string>
#include <vector>

class Char
    char bytes[4];
    Char() : Char(0, 0, 0, 0) {}
    explicit Char(char c1, char c2, char c3, char c4) : bytes{c1, c2, c3, c4} {}
    size_t size() const
        size_t size = 2;
        if (bytes[2])
        if (bytes[3])
        return size;
    std::string as_string() const
        std::string s;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < size(); i++)
        return s;

using CharList = std::vector<Char>;

#endif // STRUCTS_HPP

C functions are the same, but these classes are incompatible with C FFI, so we need to define our blob structs:


#include "structs.hpp"

#define DECLARE_BLOB(T)               \
    extern "C"                        \
    {                                 \
        struct T##_BLOB               \
        {                             \
            uint8_t bytes[sizeof(T)]; \
        };                            \
    }                                 \
    union T##_UNION                   \
    {                                 \
        T value;                      \
        T##_BLOB blob;                \
        ~T##_UNION() {}               \
        T##_UNION()                   \
        {                             \
            new (&value) T();         \
        }                             \
    };                                \
    T##_BLOB PACK_##T(T value)        \
    {                                 \
        T##_UNION u;                  \
        u.value = std::move(value);   \
        return u.blob;                \
    };                                \
    T UNPACK_##T(T##_BLOB blob)       \
    {                                 \
        T##_UNION u;                  \
        u.blob = blob;                \
        return std::move(u.value);    \



Here DECLARE_BLOB macro for given Type defines:

This conversion with union is an equivalent of std::mem::transmute from Rust (C++20 has std::bit_cast for that, but union shows better what happens under the hood). Also we std::move the value to and from union on conversion, this is important (otherwise, copyable types are copied).

However, it has a requirement for T to be both movable and constructible with no arguments. We could do std::memset(this, 0, sizeof(T)), but some move constructors/assignment operators swap fields of this and given other, and so sometimes it’s invalid to call a destructor on an object full of zeroes (of course it totally depends on the structure of the object).

With these blobs implementing binding functions is trivial:

extern "C"
    Char_BLOB char__new(uint8_t c1, uint8_t c2, uint8_t c3, uint8_t c4) noexcept
        return PACK_Char(Char(c1, c2, c3, c4));
    uint8_t char__at(const Char_BLOB *self, uint8_t idx) noexcept
        const Char *s = (const Char *)self;
        if (idx >= 4)
            return 0;
        return s->bytes[idx];

    CharList_BLOB char_list__new() noexcept
        return PACK_CharList(CharList());
    void char_list__push(CharList_BLOB *self, Char_BLOB item) noexcept
        ((CharList *)self)->push_back(UNPACK_Char(item));
    size_t char_list__len(const CharList_BLOB *self) noexcept
        return ((CharList *)self)->size();
    Char_BLOB char_list__at(const CharList_BLOB *self, size_t idx) noexcept
        return PACK_Char(((CharList *)self)->at(idx));

We compile and build a static library:

$ clang++ -std=c++17 cpp-bindings/bindings.cpp -g -c -fPIE -o cpp-bindings/all.o
$ ar rc cpp-bindings/libbindings.a cpp-bindings/all.o

One extra step that is specific to C++ libraries - we need to link with C++ runtime, so this extra code goes to Cargo.toml and build.rs respectively:

# enables linking with C++ runtime
link-with-cxx-runtime = []
if cfg!(feature = "link-with-cxx-runtime") {
    if cfg!(target_os = "linux") {
    } else {

And finally we can run our tests:

EXTERNAL_LIB_PATH="../cpp-bindings" \
  EXTERNAL_LIB_NAME="bindings" \
  SIZES_FILEPATH="../cpp-bindings/sizes" \
  cargo test --features=external,link-with-cxx-runtime

Ruby bindings, also quickly

We want our Char to be a Ruby String and CharList to be an Array, in Ruby C API they are both represented as VALUE (that is technically a pointer to a tagged union (unless it’s a small number/true/false/nil, then it’s basically the value itself)).

#ifndef STRUCTS_H
#define STRUCTS_H

#include <ruby.h>

typedef VALUE Char;
typedef VALUE CharList;

#endif // STRUCTS_H

and so sizes are these:


VALUE is simply an alias to unsigned long on x86_64, so blobs are aliases:


#include "structs.h"

typedef Char Char_BLOB;
typedef CharList CharList_BLOB;


Bindings implementation (uses Ruby C API):

#include "bindings-support.h"

Char_BLOB char__new(uint8_t c1, uint8_t c2, uint8_t c3, uint8_t c4)
    char c[4] = {(char)c1, (char)c2, (char)c3, (char)c4};
    long len = 2;
    if (c3) len++;
    if (c4) len++;
    return rb_utf8_str_new(c, len);
uint8_t char__at(const Char_BLOB *self, uint8_t idx)
    VALUE this = *self;
    return StringValuePtr(this)[idx];

CharList_BLOB char_list__new()
    return rb_ary_new();
void char_list__push(CharList_BLOB *self, Char_BLOB item)
    rb_ary_push(*self, item);
size_t char_list__len(const CharList_BLOB *self)
    return rb_array_len(*self);
Char_BLOB char_list__at(const CharList_BLOB *self, size_t idx)
    return rb_ary_entry(*self, idx);

Looks similar to C++ bindings, right? OK, can we run Rust tests with Ruby primitives? Unfortunately, no. These methods expect Ruby VM to be up and running and embedding Ruby is not something many Ruby developers do.

Instead, we need to re-compile it to a dynamically-loaded library that (once loaded) registers a foo method that takes a string, passes its const char * pointer to our foo function defined in Rust and returns CharList back to Ruby space.

#include <ruby.h>
#include "structs.h"

CharList c_foo(const char *s);

VALUE rb_foo(VALUE self, VALUE s)
    Check_Type(s, T_STRING);
    CharList chars = c_foo(StringValueCStr(s));
    return chars;

void Init_foo()
    rb_define_global_function("foo", rb_foo, 1);

c_foo is defined on Rust side with C linkage:

pub extern "C" fn c_foo(s: *const i8) -> CharList {
    let s = unsafe { std::ffi::CStr::from_ptr(s).to_str().unwrap() };

And now if we compile it to .bundle (this is for Mac, on Linux and Windows it’s a .so extension)

$ clang -Ipath/to/ruby/includes ruby-bindings/init.c -c -o ruby-bindings/init.o
$ clang -Ipath/to/ruby/includes ruby-bindings/bindings.c -c -o ruby-bindings/bindings.o
$ ar rc ruby-bindings/libbindings.a ruby-bindings/bindings.o

$ cd rust-lib
$ EXTERNAL_LIB_PATH="../ruby-bindings" \
    EXTERNAL_LIB_NAME=bindings \
    SIZES_FILEPATH="../ruby-bindings/sizes" \
    cargo build --features=external
$ cd ..

$ clang \
    -dynamic \
    -bundle \
    -o ruby-bindings/foo.bundle \
    ruby-bindings/init.o rust-foo/librust-foo-rust.a \

.. we get ruby-bindings/foo.bundle that can be imported from Ruby:

$ ruby -r./ruby-bindings/foo -e 'p foo("abc😋中国")'
["😋", "中", "国"]

In fact there are many more options that are passed to clang above, check out the repository if you want to try it yourself.

Memory leaks

All versions above have a memory leak that can be easily identified by compiling with

ASAN_OPTIONS=detect_leaks=1 CXXFLAGS="-fsanitize=address" clang++

or (to track it when running Rust tests)

RUSTFLAGS="-Z sanitizer=address" ... cargo test

(On Mac make sure to use clang from Homebrew, version that ships with OS does not support ASAN)

Running tests with this options shows that we have a leak somewhere in

Direct leak of 96 byte(s) in 1 object(s) allocated from:
    #9 0x105905990 in char_list__push bindings.cpp:34
    #10 0x105904c04 in rust_foo::external::CharList::push::hf5bdccdb764b0c62 lib.rs:91
    #11 0x1059043bb in rust_foo::foo::hf9387b4435c6f8b6 lib.rs:108
    #12 0x10590442d in c_foo lib.rs:117
    #13 0x1059006e8 in cpp_foo(char const*) test.cpp:14
    #14 0x105900a10 in main test.cpp:24

And the reason is that our CharList is heap-allocated, but it has no destructor on the Rust side. To fix it we need to add 2 more functions to our bindings:

extern "C" {
    fn char__drop(this: *mut Char);
    fn char_list__drop(this: *mut CharList);

impl Drop for Char {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        unsafe { char__drop(self) }

impl Drop for CharList {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        unsafe { char_list__drop(self) }

Of course, we need to add it to bindings.h:

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"

    void char__drop(Char_BLOB *self);
    void char_list__drop(CharList_BLOB *self);

#ifdef __cplusplus

Here’s a C implementation (depending on your implementation char__drop could to something):

void char__drop(Char_BLOB *self)
    // noop, Char has no allocations

void char_list__drop(CharList_BLOB *self)
    if (self->len > 0)

C++ implementation:

void char__drop(Char_BLOB *self)
    // noop, Char has no allocations
void char_list__drop(CharList_BLOB *self)
    ((CharList *)self)->~vector();


void char__drop(Char_BLOB *self)
    // noop, Ruby has GC
void char_list__drop(CharList_BLOB *self)
    // noop, Ruby has GC


How about performance? When we compile with Rust primitives we use LTO and so things from Rust standard library can be optimized together with our code. Luckily, there’s a way to do that for external primitives too.

I would like to demonstrate it on the low level, first let’s compile everything to LLVM IR:

$ clang-13 -S -emit-llvm c-bindings/bindings.c -o c-bindings/bindings.ll
$ grep -F "char__" c-bindings/bindings.ll
define dso_local i32 @char__new(i8 zeroext %0, i8 zeroext %1, i8 zeroext %2, i8 zeroext %3) #0 {
define dso_local zeroext i8 @char__at(%struct.Char* %0, i8 zeroext %1) #0 {
define dso_local void @char__drop(%struct.Char* %0) #0 {

^ that was the file with bindings implementation, C part. It defines all char__ functions.

$ cd rust-foo
$ rustc --crate-name rust_foo src/lib.rs --crate-type staticlib --emit=llvm-ir --cfg 'feature="default"' --cfg 'feature="external"'
$ cd ..
$ grep -F "char__" rust-foo/rust_foo.ll
  %8 = call i32 @char__new(i8 zeroext %_8, i8 zeroext %_10, i8 zeroext %_12, i8 zeroext %_14)
declare i32 @char__new(i8 zeroext, i8 zeroext, i8 zeroext, i8 zeroext) unnamed_addr #1

^ that was the Rust part. It declares (as external) and calls some of our char__ functions.

Let’s link them together:

$ llvm-link-13 c-bindings/bindings.ll rust-foo/rust_foo.ll -S -o merged.ll
$ grep -F "char__" merged.ll
define dso_local i32 @char__new(i8 zeroext %0, i8 zeroext %1, i8 zeroext %2, i8 zeroext %3) #0 {
define dso_local zeroext i8 @char__at(%struct.Char* %0, i8 zeroext %1) #0 {
define dso_local void @char__drop(%struct.Char* %0) #0 {
  %8 = call i32 @char__new(i8 zeroext %_8, i8 zeroext %_10, i8 zeroext %_12, i8 zeroext %_14)

These 2 modules have been merged, time to optimize them together:

$ opt-13 -O3 merged.ll -S -o optimized.ll
$ grep -F "char__" optimized.ll
define dso_local i32 @char__new(i8 zeroext %0, i8 zeroext %1, i8 zeroext %2, i8 zeroext %3) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
define dso_local zeroext i8 @char__at(%struct.Char* nocapture readonly %0, i8 zeroext %1) local_unnamed_addr #1 {
define dso_local void @char__drop(%struct.Char* nocapture %0) local_unnamed_addr #0 {

Now we have only definitions, actual calls have been successfully inlined. Now we can compile it to an object file to see a final result:

$ llc-13 -O3 -filetype=obj optimized.ll -o optimized.o
$ clang-13 test.c optimized.o -O3 -o test-runner
$ objdump -D test-runner | grep "call" | grep "char__"
# no output
$ objdump -D test-runner | grep "call" | grep "char_list"
  406bba: e8 01 01 00 00        callq  406cc0 <char_list__drop>
  406d21: e8 fa fe ff ff        callq  406c20 <char_list__new>

As you can see all char__new or char__at calls have been inlined, char_list__drop and char_list__new haven’t, because of how LLVM decides on what should or should not be inlined. Anyway, it works.

Of course, there’s an easier way to get the same result:

$ export RUSTFLAGS="-Clinker-plugin-lto -Clinker=clang -Clink-arg=-fuse-ld=lld"
$ export CFLAGS="-flto"

^ this should be enough to get the same result. By adding -Clinker-plugin-lto we ask Rust to compile all object files to LLVM IR:

$ RUSTFLAGS="-Clinker-plugin-lto -Clinker=clang-13 -Clink-arg=-fuse-ld=lld" cargo build --features=external

$ mkdir objects
$ cd objects
$ ar x ../target/release/librust_foo.a
$ ls -l
# a ton of object files, that's what static library is about

$ file *.o

... snip ...
popcountti2.o:                                                                              ELF 64-bit LSB relocatable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), with debug_info, not stripped
powixf2.o:                                                                                  ELF 64-bit LSB relocatable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), with debug_info, not stripped
rust_foo-0f1418f7365bf15b.2nf5cb5qlud0f6qs.rcgu.o:                                          LLVM IR bitcode
rust_foo-0f1418f7365bf15b.rust_foo.f999abab-cgu.0.rcgu.o:                                   LLVM IR bitcode
rust_foo-0f1418f7365bf15b.rust_foo.f999abab-cgu.1.rcgu.o:                                   LLVM IR bitcode
rust_foo-0f1418f7365bf15b.rust_foo.f999abab-cgu.2.rcgu.o:                                   LLVM IR bitcode
rust_foo-0f1418f7365bf15b.rust_foo.f999abab-cgu.3.rcgu.o:                                   LLVM IR bitcode
rustc_demangle-7f98f837d3579544.rustc_demangle.5563b4d3-cgu.0.rcgu.o:                       ELF 64-bit LSB relocatable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), with debug_info, not stripped
... snip ...

Rust standard library is compiled directly to object files, but our code is LLVM IR bitcode. This way we can get zero-cost bindings defined externally.

Of course, it’s not gonna work with Ruby or Node.js, both of them have a giant libruby.so (or libnode.so) that defines all functions and constants that your extension relies on. The extension itself is compiled with -Wl,-undefined,dynamic_lookup and symbol lookup is performed at runtime. I feel like technically it’s possible, the entire Ruby/Node.js runtime could be compiled to a static libruby.a/libnode.a that defines all VM objects as external (because that’s a singleton that we need to hook into), but all functions can provide their implementation (of course, in LLVM IR format), and so they can be inlined into our bindings implementation. I haven’t experimented with it yet, and honestly I’m not going to :) If you know anything about existing discussions around it, please, ping me on Twitter.

The whole picture, again

Demo repository is available here

To sum up:

  1. Library maintainers can change their library to accept “pluggable” external primitives. If no external primitives provided native version is used.
  2. Library maintainers can provide headers that define what should be provided (i.e. a set of functions that take/return primitives). This is the definition of the contract.
  3. Authors of bindings define structure as they want (i.e. instead of vector they are free to use linked lists of hashmaps)
  4. Authors of bindings implement functions defined in headers. This is the implementation of the contract.
  5. To get full bindings the library is linked together with bindings. There might be a need to build a wrapper around functions defined in the library, but that’s trivial as these functions return objects that are “native” for bindings.

